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Following Directions Around the House & Town (2-Book Set)


SKU: REM155C Category:


“Following Directions Around the House:”  Students are given specific instructions for placing furniture and objects on various household plans addressing the concepts of Around, In Front, Between, and Behind.  Floor plans include the Living Room, Playroom, Kitchen, Bedroom and the Entire House.

Following Directions Around the Town:”  Each of the 30 maps in this book are accompanied by symbols – and directions for drawing their placement.  Exercises begin with 8 directions and progress to 15 directions.  Excellent practice for developing:  following directions, logical thinking, sequencing, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and visual perception.   In addition, they will also learn north, south, east, west, northwest, southeast, etc. 

Example:  A map is presented.  Place the bus north of the entrance to the school.  Place a bridge across the stream.

Grade Levels:  3-6

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